Saturday, December 24, 2011

Too Excited To Wait

Think back. Way back. Remember this commercial?

So precious. I love the "We're too excited to sleep!" part.

I will use this excuse. I was too excited to wait. I jumped the gun. Ironically, on Christmas Eve.

So, I am on Pinterest, big suprise. And I see this. Sure does beat the scribbled Christmas cards that I had planned on giving. Not that our families wouldn't be super humbled by them...but these homemade "hand"made ornaments kick the card's booty.

They were easy peasy to make; with the hardest part being my wrists, forearms, and shoulders kneading for FIFTEEN TO TWENTY MINUTES! I should have Angela Bassett arms in the morning. Fo sho.

Kerrigan's "hand"made ornament, age 2.

I mixed 4 cups of flour (I used all purpose), 1 cup of salt, and 1 1/2 cups of water. That's it. It took less than an hour to make the ten that we did. Most of the time being spent on rolling the dough out over and over again since someone kept pressing both hands into the dough...

F for about 30-45 minutes. My dough was slightly thicker; I wanted to make perfectly sure that they were not going to crack and crumble. They do harden as they cool, but I was super paranoid with no time for remakes. I baked them long enough to assure myself of not breakages. Hopefully.

I attached some "Kerrigan" appropriately themed ribbon, complete with a bow for hanging. I chose red houndstooth wrapping paper (Roll Tide!) and remembered I had bought bubbly wrap for a sporadic reason such as this. Of course, Kerrigan appreciated bubble wrap much more than Mommy's patience would allow, so Mommy took over from here.

Kerrigan "helping" Mommy wrap her ornaments.

I didn't write on the back of the ornaments. I had Christmas brain. Our families loved them regardless. A certain few didn't even notice; I love them the most. Kerrigan got hugs, kisses, and thank yous...and Mommy's Pinterest project had began.

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